About Us

BIC Group specializes in designing and supplying counter-current rotary kiln incineration and energy-from-waste systems for non-recyclable waste streams. Established in Belgium in 1972 by Jean Vandewalle, a Chemical Engineer, the company initially focused on Moving Grate Incinerators for municipal waste and Rotary Kiln Systems for silver recovery. Over the years, BIC Group has expanded its offerings to meet the growing demand for thermal solutions for hazardous and medical waste streams.

Why BIC?

What We Do

We have a unique track record in medium-sized EFW (Energy From Waste) plant also called ERF (Energy Recovery Facility) for industrial waste, but how did we get there?

The simple answer is: focus on one single activity and get better at it through continuous product development.

We see it as our mission to come up with original, affordable and above all, flexible designs, that process waste streams which are by definition non-recyclable. As recycling techniques improve, this leftover fraction is reduced in quantity but gets more complex. Our competitive advantage is that we succeed in beating the strictest rulings by implementing Best Available Technique across our entire range of plants sizes, from the smallest (0.3T/h) to the largest (5T/h), the limitation being the economic feasibility.

Present Incineration Directives under EC (or EPA) and BREF guidelines for Best Available Techniques have been developed on the scientific and technical answers to the environmental and scientific challenges around Energy from Waste plant.

Current Focus and Future Outlook

BIC Group observes a trend towards larger plant capacities driven by economies of scale and increasing environmental standards. Recent projects range from 2.5 to 5.0 tonnes per hour capacity for rotary kilns. The company remains committed to staying ahead of the competition through continued focus on innovation and excellence in waste-to-energy solutions.


The beginning

Founded by Jean Vandewalle, focusing on incineration systems for municipal waste and silver recovery.


Tom Vandewalle joins the company, bringing expertise in Chemical Process Engineering and Business Economics.


Started waste management business in Belgium, operating a 10 TPD incinerator for hazardous and medical waste disposal.


Secured the first contract to supply an incineration plant in Singapore, marking the company’s international expansion.


Established BIC Systems Asia Pacific Pte Ltd as the Regional Marketing Office and Customer Service Centre.


BIC Systems Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. became an independent corporation under the BIC Group.


After gaining valuable operational insights, BIC exited the waste management business in Mouscron, Belgium, to focus on the growing demands for BIC’s systems worldwide.


Celebrated 50 years in the industry, marking a significant milestone for BIC Group. With 63 completed projects worldwide, the company solidifies its position as a leader in environmentally friendly waste treatment and waste-to-energy systems.


Continued expansion with a series of contracts across Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, India and the US.